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Monday, March 22, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Women Must Reads: We Are All Going Back To Our Roots.

Rootswomen Raw and Exposed

When God Was a Woman by Merlin Stone

Sexing the Brain
by Lesley Rogers

The Real Eve: Modern Man's Journey Out of Africa by Stephen Oppenheimer

Temple of the Cosmos: by Jeremy Naydler
by Jeremy Naydler

Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets by Barbara G. Walker
of Myths and Secrets by B. G. Walker

Wise Women of the Dreamtime: Aboriginal Tales of the Ancestral Powers by K. Langloh Parker

Doing It Right: Making Smart, Safe, and Satisfying Choices About Sex (Paperback)

The Goddess Black Woman : Mother of Civilization - by Akil

The Mother of us all

More recommended books here
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Ayanna's Roots


Ras Tyehimba


Tracey's Revelation

Black African Focus

The Order of The Self

PostHeaderIcon Rasta Stands for Universal Love


Rasta Stands for Universal Love

Rasta has firmly established itself as a fierce opponent of colonialism by seeking to overturn the vicious legacy left by the European colonialists. Colonialism has had a grave impact on the psyche of today's generation; it is a legacy of brutality, discrimination, corruption and a relentless pursuit of material possessions. Rasta has sought to overcome this legacy by standing for and upholding the principles of Maat, which is truth, justice, righteousness and balance.

Rasta stands for universal love, a higher spiritual ideal that is not usually emphasized in the mainstream of Western society. To be a Rasta is to be a righteous person, continuously seeking to improve SELF. This process of self discovery is further clarified by the words of a St Lucian Rasta who said "The word Rasta as I understand it means purely, the power that lies within any man which enables him to do anything he wants... To be a Rasta therefore is to be conscious of that divine power, and to be developing one's power potential for achievement... Rasta becomes therefore a philosophy of life fulfillment".

Rasta does not seek to conform to the norms of this society, which are steeped in racism, sexism, neo colonialism and injustice. The norm of this society is the relentless pursuit of carnal gratification and one doesn't have to look hard to see where all this alcohol, sacredless sex, and materialistic living is taking us. It is taking our people down a wide road of great karmic consequences. Salvation cannot be found in worldly material possessions, but rather by experiences of divine proportions.

There is a misconception that Rastas are against technology and material things. Nothing could be further from the truth and this attempt to misconstrue what Rasta is about is often as deliberate as it is damaging. What Rastas are against is the misuse of technology and the overemphasis on material possessions, which in fact has caused great decadence of modern society.


Rasta Speaks Reasonings



PostHeaderIcon Rasta




Rasta from the ancient point of view is a state of consciousness. When our ancestors said they wished to enter the house of Rasta, they were speaking in relation to that exalted spiritual state where one attains wisdom.

The "House of Rasta" is the entrance to the duat, the 'underworld journey' of initiation. It is the crossroads. Ones must understand with clarity the extent of their power to choose. In the House of Rasta they find their guide, most often portrayed as Anubis. It is not possible to proceed without help. This is an idea many do not like. So they stay spinning at the crossroads for a long, long time. It is a place of darkness, and the loss of everything comforting and familiar. One must be willing to be stripped. Only then will they hear the voice coming out of the darkness to lead them on.

The word Rasta in relation to dreadlocks is derived from the natural way people lived, especially in ancient times when they deliberately returned to the forest to recapture the laws of nature. In so doing they were isolated and without grooming so the dreadlocks developed naturally. This is quite similar to when people get lost on some deserted island and are forced to survive on their own. Sometimes these people learn to embrace nature and develop the natural skills to survive in the wild.

In some ancient texts, 'ras' meant wise, possibly coined from the Egyptian Ra and as such the word became annexed to leadership. In Amharic, the word 'Ras' means, 'head' as in leadership and Tafari - "he who inspires awe". Ras Tafari was the pre-coronation name of Haile Selassie (1892-1975), Emperor of Ethiopia. Upon his coronation, Ras Tafari styled himself Haile Selassie -- literally, "Might of the Trinity". 

It should not be difficult to grasp that 'Ras Tafari' means a wise person who inspires awe through the unique conscious insights which they bring to bear on all matters. 

In essence Rasta in its most ancient meaning is about developing oneself towards self-actualization, which is the only way to attain universal wisdom. 


PostHeaderIcon Meditation

Meditation is listening to your (inner higher) self

The highest form of meditation is doing your best. By doing, applying oneself fully to each activity that is engaged, persons quiet their senses, and open themselves to the flow from the universal essence. Messages and guidance from the unconscious mind can then filter down into the conscious mind.

Many of our earliest ancestors deep in central Africa understood the principle of meditation well. This is what they lived. Their understanding stemmed in part from their observations of natural law, and the application of that law in their everyday lives. Meditation was not something they set apart time for, they automatically did this as a natural part of their survival. They meditated in each action and behavior that was undertaken. Clearly they gained a lot of benefits by doing their utmost best in everything they engage. Persons nowadays can also benefit by doing likewise.

Honesty, integrity and moral conduct is something that needs to be constantly worked at, in chipping away the inevitable corruption.

PostHeaderIcon Georgia Colleges Forum on Black History

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Ras Marcus Speaks On The Rasta Movement

 Ras Marcus Speaks

Ras Marcus Speaks on the Rasta Movement

Ras Tyehimba interviews Ras Marcus

Ras MarcusRas Marcus is a Jamaican-born, respected and outspoken Rasta elder of the Rasta Movement. He grew up with Emmanuel Charles Edward (Prince Emmanuel), founder of the Bobo Shanti sub-section of Rastafari which emerged in the 1950s, and Dr. Vernon Carrington (Prophet Gad), founder of the Twelve Tribes of Israel Rastafari Movement which emerged in 1968. Ras Marcus has made a tremendous contribution to the Rasta Movement over the years and still continues to do so as an elder. His internet writings on the movement have exposed readers to perspectives and first hand experiences that encourage a deeper understanding of the Rasta movement and its African essence. He is also well-known for his contributions to the Rastafari Elders and Liberation Feelings CDs which are classic compilations that mix chants, Nyabinghi drumming and reasonings on the Rasta Movement.

From the Liberation Feelings CD, Ras Marcus & The Sistas "Paying respect to our great Ancestors". 

On Thursday 31st May, 2007, Ras Tyehimba, on behalf of RastafariSpeaks.com, interviewed Ras Marcus who shared his perspective and experiences about the origins and evolution of the Rasta Movement.

Contine to: 'Ras Marcus Speaks on the Rasta Movement'

Africa for Africans at Home and AbroadChapters:
  1. Early Experiences
  2. Christianity and the Bible
  3. Rasta and Resistance
  4. The Evolution of the Movement
  5. African Liberation
  6. Elders and Reasoning
  7. The Long Road to Africa

Rastafari and Religion By Baba Ras Macus Rastafari and Religion

By Baba Ras Marcus

Be at peace with the Creator who ever you conceive him to be, for the Creator is in Ethiopia, but he is also in every single part of the earth, sea, and sky at the same time, he is in humanity and also in all living creatures at the same time, the Creator is everywhere, and there are no limits that can be placed on him or her geographically speaking.

Continue to: 'Rastafari and Religion'



I send many oceans of blessings and self-determination

to African people everywhere


Baba Ras Marcus

Sunday, March 14, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Ethiopia's Relationship to the Pan-African Movement (Part II)



by Lindsey Herbert


Success of Repatriation to Shashamane 

Repatriation has yielded both positive and negative experiences for Rastafarians. On one hand, the Rastafarians were welcomed by the Ethiopian government because Haile Selassie I understood the urgency of returning Black people to Africa and freeing them from the bondage of the colonial powers who had enslaved them. Yet, having government, even royal approval, did not automatically mean that repatriation had the support of the majority of the local people, nor did it mean that those who did repatriate would be united and live in harmony. There have been both internal and external factors that have impacted the situation in Shashamane.

External Factors 

When people first settled in Shashamane, there was a disjunction between their expectations and the response of the local people to the settlers. This is still a source of tension today. Local Ethiopians often do not regard the Rastas as true Ethiopians, leaving Rastafarians with the feeling that they are not accepted or treated as brothers and sisters. In a New York Times article, this issue was observed by a visitor reporting on the situation:

Like most Rastafarians, Mr. Isles, a carpenter, saw himself as Ethiopian and was angry that the locals did not. �They call me faranji,� he said, using the Ethiopians� term for foreigners. �The people don�t treat us well. We give them work, but they still rob us. I have to have a guard at my house. If I don�t they would come and steal from me. B.J. Moody, 65, a Rastafarian elder who has lived here since 1980, tried to soften Mr. Isle s words. �All of us are experiencing some sort of cruelty, some unbrotherly actions by our Ethiopian brothers,� said Mr. Moody, a tiny man with the gentlest of voices. �But we are determined to bring them to a higher state of consciousness.�

The consciousness that the elder was referring to is the consciousness of the Pan-African movement, which expresses an urgency to unify Africans on the continent and abroad in order to strengthen Africans as a people as well as their economic and political infrastructure. Unification and resistance to colonialism and neo-colonial practices in the New World is a common goal and struggle for Pan-Africans who want to preserve Africa and her people.

Internal Factors 

The Rastafarians who have settled have noted some difficulties after settling, due to the divisions among Rastafari. There are differences in ideology among the Rastafari that is visible through the various sectors of Rastafari such as The Twelve Tribes, The Bobo, Nyabingi, Ethiopian Orthodox and others. Although they maintain a community and have positive interactions and goals, there is still some internal strife and divisions that people experience when they move to Shashamane.

Present Day 

In the 1970s there was a reclamation of land by the Ethiopian government. With the rise of the Marxist regime, which overthrew the Emperor in 1974, the majority of the land was taken from the E.W.F., impacting the fate of Rastafarians. They originally had 500 hectares, but were left between 11 to 44 after the coup. This was a great setback to the settlers and the future settlers in Shashamane. It not only physically extracted the resources that they were granted by the Emperor, but it emotionally and mentally impacted the movement. However, it has never destroyed the Rastafarian hope of repatriation.

Repatriation is still a priority for many Rastafarians. The E.W.F. is active in recruiting members to support the development of Shashamane and repatriation. The E.W.F. is an organization that supports Ethiopia, promotes repatriation, prepares people for repatriation, and seeks support for the land. The E.W.F. prepares people for what they will experience in Shashamane and works to assist people in achieving the goal of repatriation while building alliances between those living in Shashamane and those in the West. Since many Africans remain impoverished in the West, getting to Africa is not an easy task, or an easy step to take. Some people see the idea of repatriation symbolically, and the more realistic view for those who do not have the resources or support for leaving the West is evident in the following quote:

I know that many people, today, are still exploring and hoping to achieve repatriation to Africa. But, I believe that, on many levels, the whole discussion of repatriation needs to be rethought. Africa is not simply the landmass that is called Africa. Africa is wherever the African is. Wherever the African people are, thereis Africa... So, there is a movement occurring, but it is not occurring under the umbrella of the traditional notion of repatriation. It is as if Africa is expanding.

There is an expansion of the African world - musically, spiritually, culturally, politically, and it is no longer driven by the idea that the exiles from the West will return to Africa.


The Rastafarians in Shashamane are working toward the completion of many projects including organic agriculture, electrical installation, a welding and wrought iron unit, and a building project. Other endeavors such as education, art and craft making, music, and religious celebration and practice remain part of daily life and culture in Shashamane. The overall sentiment from the people living there now, and the representatives that recruit for the E.W.F. is that there is a lot of hope, and that Rastafarians can succeed if people with practical skills, a �clean livity� and a good heart forward �home� to Shashamane. The Rastafarian children are seen as the future, and they are being trained and educated under the Rastafarian teachings and the culture of Ethiopia. With their strength and endurance the next generation may prosper and share their blessings with the people of Ethiopia. Only time will tell. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned (Hebrews 11:15).



1896 - Battle of Adwa - Ethiopia proves victorious in resisting colonial rule.

1920s - Marcus Garvey becomes a significant figure in Jamaica and America, promoting repatriation, and glorifying the history and future of Africa.

1930s -The Jamaican people begin to feel the pressure of an economically and politically oppressive government.


1930 - Emperor Haile Selassie I (Ras Tafari) was crowned King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


1933-1940 - Leonard P. Howell promotes Rastafari ideology, creating momentum in the Rastafari movement



1955 - Emperor Haile Selassie I grants 500 hectares of land to the Ethiopian World Federation (E.W.F.).



1966 - The Emperor visits Jamaica, increasing the popularity and expansion of the Rastafari movement, which further influenced people outside of Jamaica in the African Diaspora


1974 - A reclamation of land by Mengistu�s government (from 500 hectares approximately 44)



Lindsey Herbert holds a master�s degree in Afro-American Studies from UCLA. She is currently a Student Affairs Officer at the African-American Studies Department at the University of California in Berkeley.


Success of Repatriation to Shashamane 

Repatriation has yielded both positive and negative experiences for Rastafarians. On one hand, the Rastafarians were welcomed by the Ethiopian government because Haile Selassie I understood the urgency of returning Black people to Africa and freeing them from the bondage of the colonial powers who had enslaved them. Yet, having government, even royal approval, did not automatically mean that repatriation had the support of the majority of the local people, nor did it mean that those who did repatriate would be united and live in harmony. There have been both internal and external factors that have impacted the situation in Shashamane.

External Factors 

When people first settled in Shashamane, there was a disjunction between their expectations and the response of the local people to the settlers. This is still a source of tension today. Local Ethiopians often do not regard the Rastas as true Ethiopians, leaving Rastafarians with the feeling that they are not accepted or treated as brothers and sisters. In a New York Times article, this issue was observed by a visitor reporting on the situation:

Like most Rastafarians, Mr. Isles, a carpenter, saw himself as Ethiopian and was angry that the locals did not. �They call me faranji,� he said, using the Ethiopians� term for foreigners. �The people don�t treat us well. We give them work, but they still rob us. I have to have a guard at my house. If I don�t they would come and steal from me. B.J. Moody, 65, a Rastafarian elder who has lived here since 1980, tried to soften Mr. Isle s words. �All of us are experiencing some sort of cruelty, some unbrotherly actions by our Ethiopian brothers,� said Mr. Moody, a tiny man with the gentlest of voices. �But we are determined to bring them to a higher state of consciousness.�

The consciousness that the elder was referring to is the consciousness of the Pan-African movement, which expresses an urgency to unify Africans on the continent and abroad in order to strengthen Africans as a people as well as their economic and political infrastructure. Unification and resistance to colonialism and neo-colonial practices in the New World is a common goal and struggle for Pan-Africans who want to preserve Africa and her people.

Internal Factors 

The Rastafarians who have settled have noted some difficulties after settling, due to the divisions among Rastafari. There are differences in ideology among the Rastafari that is visible through the various sectors of Rastafari such as The Twelve Tribes, The Bobo, Nyabingi, Ethiopian Orthodox and others. Although they maintain a community and have positive interactions and goals, there is still some internal strife and divisions that people experience when they move to Shashamane.

Present Day 

In the 1970s there was a reclamation of land by the Ethiopian government. With the rise of the Marxist regime, which overthrew the Emperor in 1974, the majority of the land was taken from the E.W.F., impacting the fate of Rastafarians. They originally had 500 hectares, but were left between 11 to 44 after the coup. This was a great setback to the settlers and the future settlers in Shashamane. It not only physically extracted the resources that they were granted by the Emperor, but it emotionally and mentally impacted the movement. However, it has never destroyed the Rastafarian hope of repatriation.

Repatriation is still a priority for many Rastafarians. The E.W.F. is active in recruiting members to support the development of Shashamane and repatriation. The E.W.F. is an organization that supports Ethiopia, promotes repatriation, prepares people for repatriation, and seeks support for the land. The E.W.F. prepares people for what they will experience in Shashamane and works to assist people in achieving the goal of repatriation while building alliances between those living in Shashamane and those in the West. Since many Africans remain impoverished in the West, getting to Africa is not an easy task, or an easy step to take. Some people see the idea of repatriation symbolically, and the more realistic view for those who do not have the resources or support for leaving the West is evident in the following quote:

I know that many people, today, are still exploring and hoping to achieve repatriation to Africa. But, I believe that, on many levels, the whole discussion of repatriation needs to be rethought. Africa is not simply the landmass that is called Africa. Africa is wherever the African is. Wherever the African people are, thereis Africa... So, there is a movement occurring, but it is not occurring under the umbrella of the traditional notion of repatriation. It is as if Africa is expanding.

There is an expansion of the African world - musically, spiritually, culturally, politically, and it is no longer driven by the idea that the exiles from the West will return to Africa.


The Rastafarians in Shashamane are working toward the completion of many projects including organic agriculture, electrical installation, a welding and wrought iron unit, and a building project. Other endeavors such as education, art and craft making, music, and religious celebration and practice remain part of daily life and culture in Shashamane. The overall sentiment from the people living there now, and the representatives that recruit for the E.W.F. is that there is a lot of hope, and that Rastafarians can succeed if people with practical skills, a �clean livity� and a good heart forward �home� to Shashamane. The Rastafarian children are seen as the future, and they are being trained and educated under the Rastafarian teachings and the culture of Ethiopia. With their strength and endurance the next generation may prosper and share their blessings with the people of Ethiopia. Only time will tell. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned (Hebrews 11:15).




1896 - Battle of Adwa - Ethiopia proves victorious in resisting colonial rule.

1920s - Marcus Garvey becomes a significant figure in Jamaica and America, promoting repatriation, and glorifying the history and future of Africa.

1930s -The Jamaican people begin to feel the pressure of an economically and politically oppressive government.


1930 - Emperor Haile Selassie I (Ras Tafari) was crowned King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


1933-1940 - Leonard P. Howell promotes Rastafari ideology, creating momentum in the Rastafari movement




1955 - Emperor Haile Selassie I grants 500 hectares of land to the Ethiopian World Federation (E.W.F.).




1966 - The Emperor visits Jamaica, increasing the popularity and expansion of the Rastafari movement, which further influenced people outside of Jamaica in the African Diaspora


1974 - A reclamation of land by Mengistu�s government (from 500 hectares approximately 44)




Lindsey Herbert holds a master�s degree in Afro-American Studies from UCLA. She is currently a Student Affairs Officer at the African-American Studies Department at the University of California in Berkeley.


PostHeaderIcon Iquib and Idir: Socio-Economic Traditions of the Ethiopians


by Professor Ayele Bekerie, PhD (Africana Studies and Research Center, Cornell University)

Internet Links:

Africana Studies and Research Center


The Paradox of Africa's Poverty: The Role of Indigenous Knowledge, Traditional Practices and Local Institutions


Among the most enduring, universal, effective, and relevant socio-economic informal institutions Ethiopians have created are Iquib and Idir. Iquib is an association established by a small group of people in order to provide substantial rotating funding for members in order to improve their lives and living conditions, while Idir is an association established among neighbors or workers to raise funds that will be used during emergencies, such as death within these groups and their families. Iquib and Idir can be characterized as traditional financial associations. While Idir is a longterm association, Iquib can be temporary or permanent, depending on the needs of the members.

These two socio-economic traditions are informal, bottom-up, and widely practiced among Ethiopians. It can also be argued that they are national phenomena that are embraced by Ethiopians across linguistic, religious, or ethnic backgrounds. Idir, in fact, is becoming a critical source of social stability at a time when deaths from HIV/AIDS or other illnesses are increasing at an alarming rate. Thanks to Idir, the victims of HIV/AIDS are at least guaranteed respectful burial and their loved ones are given moral and some material support to overcome their loss. These dynamic, people-oriented associations are often either ignored or not given proper attention by the state or the educated elite with regard to social or economic development. In fact, it is because of such traditional associations that our society remains stable and cohesive. Iquib and Idir serve the needs of the society in a sustainable way and they are based on available human or material resources.

For instance, Iquib enables a family, particularly a poor family, to obtain the necessary funding for activities such as weddings, building a house, or starting a micro-business. As Mamo Tirfe puts it, the rotating fund is a means, particularly for poor people, to make investments that they would normally never consider making due to lack of money. Iquib is more flexible and accessible than banks and requires minimal paper work. As a result, people without formal education are not discouraged to join. Moreover, for a small payment each week or month, members of Iquib can keep a steady influx of money to help any member of the group on a rotational basis.

Idir, which Mamo characterizes as group life insurance, usually has a large membership and the weekly or monthly membership is minimal and affordable by all. Idir guarantees grieving families, for instance, the complete assistance (financial or otherwise) they seek in times of emergency. Idir members are required to attend funerals and must always be ready to help. Idir can be established by a community or village, at the work place, or among friends and family.

These remarkable associations are based on local knowledge and practices and ought to be taken into consideration by Ethiopia-centered development plans or activities. One of the steps in an authentic approach to development, if I may use Messay Kebede�s phrase, is to recognize the work people have already performed in their own name, using indigenous knowledge and traditional practices, such as Iquib and Idir. According to Mamo Tirfe, these associations are based on participatory principles; as a result they tend to �promote accountability, transparency, tolerance and dialogue.� In addition, they tend to foster friendship among members. The strong ties established among Iquib members also discourage defaults.

While these two community-based funding efforts are popular in Ethiopia, in Philadelphia, the Ethiopians, given their numbers and the trans-cultural realities, modified them into Iquib and Idir combined into one, which I like to call IquibinaIdir. The functions of the institutions are lumped together to create a new system. I am sure that we find similar associations in communities throughout the Ethiopian Diaspora. I have looked at three cases from Philadelphia, where I worked with the Greater Philadelphia Ethiopian Community.

In the first case, 10 males and females formed IquibinaIdir in Philadelphia by contributing $200 towards Iquib and $35 towards Idir per month. While the Iquib money circulates among members monthly, the Idir money is used only during emergencies. Within a 10-month period, each member will collect $2,000. In the second case, 12 males and females call their IqubinaIdir �100 Club.� These club members make a contribution of $100 for Iquib and $10 for Idir. Each member will collect $1200 by taking turns within a 1-year period. The Idir contribution is much smaller than in the first case, but its purpose is the same. In the third case, 11 women formed an IqubinaIdir group by contributing $55 monthly. Here the $50 is for Iquib and $5 goes to Idir. It is interesting that the amount collected among the women is much less than in the first two cases, where the groups were made up of both men and women.

These informal associations guarantee that everyone is taken care of in times of need through participatory and enabling means. In times of death, the community is kept intact and the grieving family instantly gets financial and social support. Iquib and Idir are remarkable examples to show that poverty does not define a person or a society. Economically disadvantaged societies are able to use traditional practices and knowledge to sustain themselves.

Imagine if the estimated 300,000 to 500,000 Ethiopian Diaspora form Idir or Iquib. It would then be possible to fulfill the wishes of those who want to be buried at home by readily covering all the necessary expenses. It also frees the loved ones from huge financial burdens they may incur as a result of such an emergency. Idir and Iquib are remarkable legacies from our ancestors and we should learn and benefit from them.

(For an excellent treatment of Idir and Iquib or other Ethiopian traditional practices, please see Mamo Tirfe�s (1999) The Paradox of Africa�s Poverty: The Role of Indigenous Knowledge, Traditional Practices and Local Institutions. Lawrenceville, NJ: The Red Sea Press.)


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The music here relies greatly on intense drumming to achieve its effect, and one can hear the exchange of musical ideas taking place between nyahbinghi and now days in more and more mainstream reggae. Artists present include the two most important nyahbinghi recording acts, Ras Michael & the Sons of Negus and Count Ossie & the Mystic Revelations of Rastafari, as well as groups which achieved popularity some time after nyahbinghi's genesis, like Culture and the Wailing Souls. ~ Steve Huey, All Music Guide

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Rasta Livewire http://www.africaresource.com/rasta Rastafarian Views on Life, Politics and Social Issues Sun, 14 Mar 2010 23:59:07 +0000 en hourly 1 Will Benedict Resign? 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